The Ridgeway Roundtable is a new event in the annual calendar of gatherings for radio amateurs interested in the the microwave bands from 23cm to 241GHz and above.

This meeting took a new format, with fewer talks and focussed on 'show and tell' of equipment and operating modes, together with an opportunity to purchase a few goodies from a small selection of sellers, including the BATC Shop.

There was a chance for all to exchange ideas, gain knowledge and examine some typical equipment setups. Some of the equipment was demonstrated in operation, including 122 GHz data modes, QO-100 DATV reception, 24 GHz tripod setups, Software Defined Radios and test equipment providing:

  • Noise figure 1.3 to 76GHz
  • Spectrum analysis to 50GHz
  • Swept response to 26GHz
  • RF power to 47GHz

There was a great turnout, with 80 people attending. Thanks to all for coming!


  • 10am: Doors open
  • 10am to 11am: 'Show and Tell', test equipment and trading (inc. BATC Shop)
  • 11am to 11.30am: Welcome and short talk by Barry G4SJH (RSGB Microwave Manager) on 'Our Bands in the Spotlight'
  • 11.30am to 12.30pm: Talk and demonstration by Dave G8KHU and Dave G1TVL on some of the problems encountered with getting JT4 going on the 122GHz band (this is a follow-up to the MRT talk in 2024)
  • 12.30pm: Lunch break and time for a chat
  • 12.30pm to 3pm: 'Show and Tell', test equipment and trading continues (inc. BATC Shop)
  • 3pm: Close

Ridgeway Roundtable

1st February 2025